Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bean Bags Online in India

Bean Bags Online
Bean bags  are the best option to relax after the hectic day. These chairs are so relaxing and comfortable but also look so stylish. So if you are looking for the comfortable and the stylish furniture you can choose these stylish bean bags online in India from

Monday, November 26, 2012

Furniture shopping becomes easier with

Bangalore based MebelKart Technologies Pvt. Ltd recently launched  focussed on making furniture shopping easier, reliable and cost-effective. Currently they have focussed their operations in Bangalore and Mumbai. Mebelkart is currently targeting categories like bean bags, executive chairs, computer chairs, office chairs and cafeteria chairs.

The Company is formed by professionals having expertise in the ecommerce Industry. Mebelkart intends to use various technical tools to make the process of furniture selling Customer Friendly and seamless.

India’s infrastructure is growing at the rate of 30%. e-commerce market in India is expected to touch $ 24 billion by 2015 . The Indian furniture market is currently worth $8 billion and growing at a rate of 30 per cent compounded annually with the organized Indian furniture accounting for 15 per cent. There are very less recognized brands and there are a lot of problems while buying furniture. This excites the founders Ranjeet and Nikhil to enter into this difficult but promising market.

While we keep our focus on B2C, we recognize the potential of B2B market. We are about to launch our B2B site namely MebelSupply ( for bulk deals and corporate supplies. This site enables Companies and bulk purchasers to get various office supplies at one single place. Through MebelSupply we are providing a platform to small and medium enterprises to buy bulk deals online or request for quotes through MebelSupply says Ranjeet, the co-founder of MebelKart who graduated from IIT-Bombay and worked previously for Arcot Systems and CA Technologies.

Customer Delight is our focus. Anything which makes the Customers happy is what we are targeting at be it better delivery, more options to choose from, lesser prices, more brands. We intend to achieve this through local partnerships to make our entire process more efficient and fast ” says Nikhil ,the co-founder of MebelKart, a BITS-Pilani graduate and having previously worked with Travelocity.

Mebelkart also offers product customization in some categories like Beanbags. If you have a design then MebelKart will get it custom manufactured for you. You can post that design to MebelKart’s faceBook page and request the fans to like it. If the number of likes on that particular design reaches a benchmark of 200, MebelKart will get that converted into a product.

In the near future, ©MebelKart plans to expand its portfolio to other categories like Tables, Wardrobe, Paintings, Bedsheets, Office Cubicles and other office / home supplies.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to ByPass Website Blocked by ISP

Disclaimer: I am not against the Gov. policy to block websites;
 But they should verify before blocking anything. Very recently BSNL blocked Fatcow and all its hosted sites. I have my blog and few other sites (including, and hosted on FatCow.  FatCow is the most reliable hosting with very good customer support.
Similarly other ISPs like RCom, Airtel have also blocked content/video/music sharing websites.

Here is a trick to open blocked websites:

Simply point your ISP DNS to google DNS ie.

I request to all my users who are using BSNL broadband and not able to access these websites, please use this trick to bypass it. I have already filed a complaint to BSNL. If BSNL doesn't unblock my sites in 2 days I will move these websites to other hosting. Ya, it costs me a lot but I will have to do that.

We deserve internet surfing freedom.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rowdies: A viral video by GeekOnNet's co-founder & TVF(The Viral Fever)

This is the best spoof ever in Indian television history. Close to 1 million views on youtube. The guy who is playing the role of Raghu-Rajiv is the co-author of GeekOnNet and my good friend, Mr. Deepak Kumar Mishra. Watch it, enjoy it and share it.


Monday, February 13, 2012

NEN E Week 2012

E Week India 2012 urges youth to ‘Invent the Future’ through entrepreneurship

  • E Week theme calls upon young entrepreneurs to ‘Invent the Future’ by providing innovative solutions for the biggest problems
  • Led by Entrepreneurship Cells in 540 academic institutes and their 80,000 student members across India
  • Supported by 30 entrepreneurship organisations

Entrepreneurship Week India (E Week 2012, – the largest national entrepreneurship event that reaches out to lakhs of people to build awareness and support - will take place from the 11 to 18 February 2012. E Week India is run by the National Entrepreneurship Network, supported by the Wadhwani Foundation and is led by over 80,000 student members and 1200 faculty from NEN Entrepreneurship Cells (E Cells) at 540 member institutes.

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Friday, February 3, 2012 : Welcome to the Jungle

Here comes at last as, a company (domain name) that Amazon had acquired in 1998. is still in its beta and offers 1.2 crore products, 90 lakhs of them are books, from over 14,000 brands and hundreds of retailers. Some of the big retailers listed on Junglee are homeShop18, UniverCell, Hidesign, Gitanjali, The Bombay Store, Fabindia, Bata India Limited, Dabur, Microsoft India Store, Reebok, Indiaplaza, bookAdda and

Due to government restriction on FDI in multi-brand retail, is just an “Online Shopping Service” which helps user to compare price and availability from other e-retailers. You cannot buy products directly from As of now IT’S NOT AN E-RETAILER and acting as a postman.

Few Observations:
  • Price offered by Amazon on is just a currency conversion from dollar to rupee. Check the snapshot given below. I searched for a book on, 4 Indian retailers + Amazon are offering this book. Look at the price differences there. Amazon is selling that book 10 times costlier than others, also note the price offered by amazon, its 2,430 rupees and 40 paise. Where the heck does this 40 Paisa come from?

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