Cuil (COOL) way to Search
A new search engine has been launched last Monday. Cuil, pronounced as CooL is very hot topic now a days in bloggers, Internet gurus and of course in Microsoft's offices. :P
It is created by ex-googler Anna Patterson, Russell Power and Louis Monier after investing $33 million. When I heard about it, millions of questions came to my mind such as, Is it the new rival of google?? people gonna accept it or not?? How they can challenge google?? are their results better than google?? are they using the concept of page rank?? Does size really matter in search?? What they can do for people who is google addicted (like me :) :P)?? If cuil booms, will google stick with "Dont be devil" funda?? How will they make money?? are they going to use google ads?? etc..
So, How cuil is different from google?
- Cuil is claiming to have the largest index of web, 120 billion pages indexed. This is 3 times more than google's indexed page.
- Unique way to display the results, it is displaying results in 3 columns.
- Doesn't use the concept of page rank. So It shows different pages of same website. :(
- Different search algorithm.
- When I searched for my blog I got "No Result Found". :( assholes :X .. I get it on google's first page.
- The biggest shit was, when I searched for itself. I didn't get cuil any where in its results. See the screen shot:
Please don't laugh. They forgot to index their own site. They were not able to increase index size by ONE. They couldn't make it 120 billion + 1 :P
- Another thing, Cuil's server was down just after launching due to overwhelming interest.
- When I searched "What is the age of Sachin Tendulkar ?" (For non Indians : Sachin Tendulkar is the most famous sports person in India:) . Cuil returns nothing - it doesn't seem to be able to cope with question-based queries.
- Didn't give the result for simple mathematical calculations like, addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. It doesn't do calculation. Google also acts as a calculator. Let it be, I didn't get the result for simple " 1+1 = " query.
What I liked: I liked it's cool black main page and speed to show useless piece of shit (results).
Ohk.. Is cuil really cool?? Cuil doesn't seem better than or yahoo search engine or some other small search engines too. Then why the hell they are comparing it with google?? It doesn't make any sense.
This is just a start. I hope they will launch another version of Cuil with lots of modification very soon. Really, they will have to do lots of home works if they want to keep their search engine alive.
PS: Write your cuil (CooL) experiences as comments of this post. Thanx for reading.