Friday, October 24, 2008

Chrome Review Part-II

I would like to thank again to my readers for their huge responses in chrome review part-I. They have also asked few questions regarding chrome. So in this post I would like to answer their questions along with other features like security, theme, performance etc.
Lets see and analyze it's other features:
5) Incognito Window: This is chrome's another cool feature. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, on your computer after you close the incognito window. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be preserved however. This is similar to Internet Explorer-8's private mode. Firefox 3.1 (beta 1) released on October 14th, also has private mode.
One of my readers name "Jimmie" has asked this question:
JIMMIE October 14, 2008 12:54 AM
this way if i keep on opening censored sites most of the time on crome..then even when i restart crome i ll get the same webpage or what??? This may be a public embarresment.
Jimmie don't worry. Whenever you open any censored website, try to open it in Incognito window. The short cut for this is Ctrl+Shift+N or Click on "Control the Current page" icon which is just beside the address bar and then click on "New Incognito Window".
6) Session Recovery: Like other browsers chrome also has this feature. Chrome doesn't offer this feature as default. Its very easy to set. Go to Tools->Option and click on the "Restore the pages that were opened last" radio button. You can also set your homepage and default search engine. See the picture,
7) Performance: According to my own experience, tested on windows-XP, with AMD Athlone 3000+ and 512 MB RAM, Chrome is little bit faster than Firefox 3.0.1 and IE-7 to load a page. I also observed an Interesting thing about chrome. Chrome takes more time to load Gmail than Firefox and IE. This is amazing :).
My another reader "Parag" has asked this "Hope you provide some performance comparisons on the next post"
So I compared the memory usages by Chrome, Firefox and IE for single tab with same website opened on each browser. Chrome uses 20,220K, IE uses 58,092K and Firefox uses 108,632K of memory. Since I use many addons of firefox so firefox takes more memory. Chrome uses less memory in comparison to what Firefox and IE use. I also observed that initial pop out time for chrome is less than the initial pop out times of firefox and Internet explorer.
8) Securities: one day after releasing of first public beta version of Chrome, a security vulnerability was found. This vulnerability was because Google used old version of Webkit for Chrome. Just after this a Vietnamese Security company Bach Khoa Internet Security found a buffer-overflow vulnerability in Chrome.
9) Theme: You like Chrome but you don't like it's look and feel? Don't worry, now you can also dress up your chrome with different theme like what other browsers have. Go to, download your favorite theme and install it. How can you install chrome theme:
Download It to a separate directory and copy it over. The file needs to stay named "default.dll" and placed in this directory:
Windows XP Users:
C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\[Version]\Themes\
Windows Vista Users:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\[Version]\Themes\
Make sure you create a backup of your original "default.dll".
That is the end of Chrome reviews. Hope you liked It. If you find anything new or interesting about Chrome, do mail me at or leave that as comment of this post. I will publish that thing as addition of this post. If I observe anything new about Chrome then I will surely let you know. Thanks for reading and happy Diwali to all of you.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ideaz2020: The Quest for young Visionaries

IT has been instrumental in raising the Indian society to its current standards, there is not even the slightest doubt that it will continue to play a vital role in the coming future. It is therefore of utmost importance to lucidly envisage the path of forthcoming IT developments.
 Youth has always envisioned the future in a much radical way than the veterans. Ideaz 2020 is an attempt to provide the youth a platform for expressing their aspirations and expectations, from an IT armed society of 2020.  
India IT 2020, jointly organized by the Computer Society of India and the Bombay Management Association, envisions a global leadership roadmap for the strategic deployment of emerging technologies for maximum positive impact on business, infrastructure and society in the country.
IDEAZ2020: The Quest for young visionaries, the youth section of India IT 2020 Conference. Ideaz 2020 is an attempt to provide the youth a platform for expressing their aspirations and expectations, from an IT armed society of 2020. Ideaz2020 brings you a series of pan India competitions with cash prizes worth Rs. 1.6 Lakhs to be won. Winners  get a chance to present their entries in front of the elite audience of IndiaIT2020 conference, which includes eminent personalities like
  • Padam Bhushan Dr. F C Kohli, Father of Indian Software Industry
  • Adaire Fox-Martins, Sr. V.P SAP Australia
  • C Mohan, IBM India chief Scientist, IBM, IEEE and ACM Fellow
  • Arvind Panagariya, Prof. Columbia University and  former chief economist Asian Development Bank.
  • Ram Prasad Head, R n D Google India
  • Ajay Chowdhary Founder HCL, Chairman and CEO HCL Infosystems.
If you think that your idea can help in the development of India then IT 2020 is the best platform to present your idea. So do not waste your time, log on to for more details.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chrome Review Part-I

It has been almost 1 and half months since launch of chrome. Chrome is now a well known browser. I am also using it from last 1 and half months, and found some good as well as bad points about chrome. Here I am going to explore chrome's features and will compare them with other leading browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer etc. I am planning to divide this review in two parts - Chrome Review Part-I and Part-II in order to make the post short and interesting.
Lets see its different features and comparisons with other internet browsers :

1)The Simplest Interface: The first thing you will notice is it's simple, minimalist interface. Other browsers like Firefox and Internet explorer have lots of buttons and tabs. They have at least 3 rows of buttons, bars and menus etc. But the chrome has only two rows. See the screen shots of the different web browsers compared with chrome.
Another main difference you might have noticed is that other browsers have two separate boxes - one for URL typing and other for searching, but chrome has only one address box used for both purposes.
Some people hate such interface, they like more buttons and bars to make their work easier. But other people like it. They want to see more space on page. I like this interface. Do you like this interface of chrome?

2)Most visited page: This is the most useful feature of chrome. When you open chrome it shows the most visited pages by you. This helps you to start your favorite websites without typing URLs. In comparison Firefox restores the old session or your homepage or blank page. Internet explorer gives either blank page or homepage when a new tab is opened.This little thing is something which increases browsing speed.

3) Isolated Tab: This is the most famous feature of chrome. Chrome creates new individual process for each tab. The benefit of this feature is that your browser will not crash. If you visit a page which hangs up (it is very common in case of java and flash), instead of shutting down whole browser, just close that particular tab. The cons of this feature is that it uses more memory because it creates new individual process for each tab.

4)Dynamic Tab: This is the coolest feature of chrome. If you want to open any website in new browser window just drag the tab and pull it down. That particular tab will be opened in new browser window. No need to do right click and open in new window like Firefox and internet explorer. Internet Explorer and Firefox both do not allow to drag tab and all.

This feature is very useful while comparing two or more than two pages simultaneously.

There are more features like security, chrome theme, session restore etc.. I will explore and compare these features in my next post. Thanx for reading. Write your chrome experiences as comment of this post.
To be continued ...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hackers Love Indian Websites

This is disturbing stuff. Indian websites are the most targeted sites, by hackers. India is the largest emerging IT power and websites of this country are not secure. This is awful. The reverse coding experts (hackers) from many countries like China, Russia, US, Sweden and even Pakistan, targeting Indian websites. Pakistani hackers hack nearly 40 to 50 Indian websites every month. Lets look year wise hacking history of Indian websites:
Year 2001: Over 200 Indian websites were hacked into and defaced. The hackers put in words like bugz, death symbol, Paki-king and allahhuakbar. PRO-PAKISTAN HACKERS infiltrated a Web site of India’s External Affairs Ministry and posted anti-India messages. INFOSYS HACKED - Infosys Technologies Ltd is one of India’s biggest software company. Hackers infiltrated its website and disrupted its banking products site.
Year 2002: Around 300 websites were hacked by Pakistani hackers. Just read this discussions on this Pakistani website.
Year 2003: Pakistani hackers hacked 477 Indian websites, 270 of them in April only. This was an awesome way to enjoy their summer vacation.:P
Year 2004: The Navy website went off the servers after a hacker posted anti-war messages.
Year 2005: 373 websites including 25 government sites were hacked.
Year 2006: This year was a golden year for hackers. They hacked more than 2,000 websites including website of Government of Punjab and all websites of Government of Rajasthan.
Year 2007: IIT Kanpur website was hacked. Hacker replaced IIT-Kanpur's logo by McDonald's logo and put some statements like "This site has been sold to McDonald in $ 25 million. The official website of the Maharashtra government was hacked. It had some Arabic content on home page.
Read this interesting article "how this Sweden based hacker managed to hack more than 100 emails and passwords of Indian embassies, he also hacked the emails of NDA and DRDO officials".
Year 2008: Hacker hacked an Indian antivirus company website and used it to spread virus.
Why they do such kind of thing? I think their main purposes are like following:-
  1. To damage the reputation of the company
  2. To prove their might in cyber warfare
  3. To distribute malware
  4. To propagate the sentiments against a particular country
What do you say? Why do hackers waste their invaluable skill in such type of useless work?

Thanx to google, who helped me to collect such tedious data.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why do we need own domain name?

Bugsnerror now has new home. Finally I got my own domain name. Ya, I registered it in $10 for a year through google's checkout. I would like thank my friend Brahm, who sponsored me. Bugsnerror has been now changed to (geek on net). How is this name? :P

So, why I bought a new domain name? Although I was doing very well on blogspot. There are some reasons for new domain. I think these reasons are common for all bloggers.
  1. To Be Professional: To be professional blogger its essential to have your own domain name. Every domain name is unique, so you will get a permanent unique URL for your blog which will attract more users and hence the traffic of your websites or blog will increase rapidly.
  2. More ADs: You will get more sponsors for your website or blog very easily.
  3. Google Apps: If you buy domain through google checkout then you can use all google apps and 25 Gb of free webspace.
  4. Use Subdomain: You can use unlimited subdomains of your domain. Eg. I can use the subdomain like So you can start more websites or blogs using these subdomain. You can also sell these subdomain to your friends.
  5. Email ID: You will get new email ID. eg user@yourdomain. My new email id is You can create upto 25 such type of email ids like, etc. Upto 25 users can create their own login at your website.
Google promises that you wont loose your traffic and page rank. I think we can believe google.

PS: Dear bloggers please update my new domain on your blogroll.