Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Google Suggest on main Search Page

You might have already seen Google Suggest, which offers suggestions for what you might be looking for as you type it, on Google Maps or YouTube. Google suggest was announced on monday on google official blog. Now google suggest will come on main search page from next week.

You all must be familiar with google's 20% project concept. The Google Suggest feature also started as a 20 percent project in 2004, and has since expanded to Google Labs, Toolbar, Firefox search box, Maps and Web Search for select countries, YouTube, and now Google.com.

As you type into the search box, Google Suggest guesses what you're typing and offers suggestions in real time. This is similar to Google's "Did you mean?" feature that offers alternative spellings for your query after you search, except that it works in real time. Google Suggest uses data about the overall popularity of various searches to help rank the refinements it offers. Google Suggest does not base its suggestions on your personal search history.

what happens when a kid starts a search by typing in some letters than also happen to be the beginning letters of something dirty?


Nitin Kumar Singh August 26, 2008 at 7:03 AM  

Nice Article
but i think it demanded more information.
A bit short.

Dr. Internet August 26, 2008 at 7:07 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous,  August 26, 2008 at 7:25 AM  

nice reading!

Rinzu August 26, 2008 at 7:49 AM  

great info... can u plzzz keep updating on more things like the blog.com thing....
it will be helpful...


Anonymous,  August 26, 2008 at 11:39 AM  

thanks for dropping by :)

Sneha Shrivastava August 26, 2008 at 7:53 PM  

Interesting !!
have a nice day.

* મારી રચના * August 28, 2008 at 1:40 AM  

thanks for info.. and visiting my blog too...

Unknown September 7, 2008 at 5:12 PM  

You pose a very interesting question on your PS, one that should be given much more consideration that what has been given so far. If a child accidently stumbles upon a lurid site because of the letter or prefix of the search, and while that is on its face is not a very acceptable, what happens when that same child is doing homework late at night and is half asleep? Will it cause a post hypnotic suggestion? I believe that it may infringe upon one’s ability to have freedom of thought and can confuse someone if they are not 100% aware of what is happening. A good analogy would be a quick change artist who starts counting numbers in the middle of a cash register person making change. The same result is possible and that is a complete unconscious change of thought. While the intentions of the product seem innocent enough, its consequences could have an impact far beyond a typo and could actually change someone’s mind. What mind control? Now that's the way a conspiracy believer may look at it. As for me, I'd rather think of it as a product that may hinder, rather than help the average search user. I would eliminate it if I were google (but then again, they have poeple working for them that are a lot brighter than I am). Also, what happens when more people use it and you lose innovation of the change in which people search for products, are their seach patterns now going to reman constant for services and information? I know Google is trying to help make a better experience for the user - that's their job and if they want to keep market share and grow, they must innovate, but this may be a feature that has the opposite effect on what it is trying to achieve, a better and easier search experience. Advertisers may start writing copy around the pre indexed terms in hopes of rising organically in the search ranking and it may stifle creativity in the long run. Thank you for bringing up this topic as it has meaningful consequences that reach further than its intentions. It really seems innocuous at first, but it isn't.

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